Faith, Hope, Love Wellness Center

12815 Lincoln Way West | Massillon, OH 44647
Business Hours: 10am – 6pm, Monday-Friday | 10am – 2pm, Saturday
Call For Appointment

With the amount of chaos in the world today, the human body is bombarded with stress factors that disrupt the perfect harmony of the regulating body systems. As a result, “dis-ease” manifests in the physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual person creating disturbances in sleep, digestion, assimilation, mental perception, emotional balance, and energy to name a few.

The Synchronicity Wave System

The Synchronicity Wave System™ is an energy wave generation projection technology that creates a coherent bio-field through a dynamic projection system. The system emits magnified spectral light frequencies via fractal quantum algorithms. The field created by this system has been shown to organize chaotic energetic information in the convergence zone of the projection field, including transforming chaotic energy information in the human body into coherent resonance that is synchronistically simpatico with human biology.

Within the convergence zone created by the Synchronicity Engine, sacred geometrical fractal light energies cascade, collide, erupt and emanate in perfect synchronicity expanding outward omni-radiationally creating a field that can be measured as much as one mile in circumference if the system has been running for a while. In this highly organized wave convergence field, we have observed a bio-dynamic recalibration of the body which is initiated as the cells receive the download information from the data encoded in the
system projection matrix.

Not only can chaos be swallowed up in the ocean of sacred geometrical order, but the dynamic energetic information the body needs to restore itself and rebuild its own bio-field can be ignited by the synchronicity wave system.

The space within the Synchronicity Wave System charged room is flooded with a non-chaotic matrix of information containing color, sacred geometry, and intention creating an environment to help the body self-regulate, calming where needed and charging up where needed.

“Sync Wave” experiences have been reported to improve the following conditions:

  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • Mental clarity
  • PTSD
  • Low energy
  • Nerve pain
  • Failing vision
  • EMF sensitivity
  • Blood Sugar
  • Brain Injuries
  • Cold hands & feet
  • Lyme Disease


“I have researched this for more than ten years. All my patients have reported a relaxation and energy that lasted for days.”
– Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega,
MD, Radiation Oncologist
“My neurological symptoms have improved. I sleep better, feel stronger, and have more energy”

– Sandra L.
“I came into the Synchronicity Wave System very fatigued related to a traumatic brain injury… after sitting in the system for an hour, I felt energized and ready for the day… my mind chatter was gone. I slept well that night too!”

– Sharon M.
“I felt good! My aches and pains are gone and I slept through the night! I owe one! This is Quantum Physics!!”

– Burton Goldberg,
the voice of Alternative medicine
“My eight year old daughter has never slept well until now.”

– Dr. Rich
“I was blind and now I can see.”

– Mrs. Monhollon

The Synchronicity Wave System is used around the country in stressed environments to create meditation rooms in medical centers and homes.

“The Synchronicity Wave System recharges the mitochondria of the cell and balances the yin and yang of the body systems”

– Dr. Dan Clark

The most valuable energy medicine tool on the planet. Patients experience relief from conditions that no other modality can address simply by spending time in your office or IV room.

Almost any space can be used!
Multiple users simultaneously!
 No supervision required!

Using light and color as an information carrier, the Synchronicity Wave System synchronizes cellular function.


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(330)  625-9804
12815 Lincoln Way West
Massillon, OH 44647

Any information contained on this website has not been approved by the FDA and is based off of personal experience and testimonies. Information is not intended to replace consultation with the physician or intended to treat, cure, heal, or diagnose any condition.

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